Home-Start Ashford & District also offers a specific service to dads/male carers through ‘Chill with Dad’.
You might like to try Chill with Dad if you:
- Have at least one child under the age of eight.
- Would like the opportunity to meet, chat and socialise with other dads and get to know more about what is available locally for families and children.
- Are a dad/male carer and would like to have more time with your child/children.
- Are interested in informal sessions on a variety of topics.
Chill with Dad meets on:
One evening a month: dads/male carers meet together without their children. This is an opportunity to socialise, share experiences/information and take part in informal sessions e.g. first aid for babies and children, speech and language and men’s health. This takes place at various locations in the community.
One weekend a month: dads/male carers and their children meet together for organised activities e.g. baking, walks in the woods, drumming. This takes place at various locations in the community.
Please contact us for an up-to-date calendar of events.